
Eye Hospital started the service of masses in the Holy city of
Tarn-Taran and now has two units-one in Amritsar and other in
Tarn Taran. We are providing
affordable eye care to the people especially rural population.
In the
out of population of estimated 42 million blind people, 40 % are blind
due to Cataract. In India Cataract is responsible for 81% of
the blindness. Glaucoma is also another main cause of curable
blindness with 13% people blind due to Glaucoma.
We provide world class treatment for the management of Cataract and
Glaucoma. We also provide specialized treatment for pediatric cases
especially those with
strabismus, ptosis, lid and lacrimal problems.
Ranbir Sing Pannu is the Chief Eye Surgeon & Director of Pannu Eye
Care Clinics. He has a long and varied experience spanning more than
25 years in providing eye care to the masses. He served the state
Health services cadre. He is a member of many professional
organization glorious among them are the All India Ophthalmological
Society (AIOS), North Zone Ophthalmological Society-India (NZOS),
Punjab Ophthalmological Society (POS), Intra-Ocular & Lens Implant
Society, Amritsar Academy of Ophthalmology.
email : Dr.
R.S Pannu